Shall I direct the letter to his business address or to his home address? 我该把这信寄到他的办公地点还是寄到他家里呢?
If server temperature rises above specified levels, the server operating system can direct the BMC to increase fan speed or reduce processor speed to address the problem. 如果服务器温度超过规定值,服务器的操作系统就能指示BMC提高风扇速度或降低处理器的速度,以应对此问题。
It is similar to direct addressing mode in that the final address is known at either assemble or link time. 这就像是直接寻址模式的最终地址在汇编或链接时就知道了一样。
The first copy is performed by the DMA engine, which reads file contents from the disk and stores them into a kernel address space buffer. 直接内存存取(directmemoryaccess,DMA)引擎执行了第一次拷贝(参见图1),它从磁盘中读取文件内容,然后将它们存储到一个内核地址空间缓存区中。
The SOAP over HTTP style of invoking a Web service is said to be direct: Much like performing a function call, the consumer knows the address of the endpoint and invokes it directly. 调用Web服务的SOAPoverHTTP方式就是直接的:非常类似于执行函数调用,使用者知道端点的地址,并直接调用它。
Under his direction, the labs continue to bring direct value to customers by optimizing their cloud environments and by providing expert solutions that address their most complex challenges. 在他的领导下,该实验室继续为客户带来直接价值,优化他们的云环境,提供解决其最复杂挑战的专家解决方案。
This methodology improves performance because Lotus Connections does not need to have a direct connection to the LDAP when retrieving user information such as first name, last name, and email address. 这种方法将改善性能,因为在检索如姓、名和电子邮件地址等用户信息时,LotusConnections不必直接连接到LDAP服务器。
After some users upload their communication data, direct friend relationships are generated by processing the uploaded communication data and then storing it in a text file named with the owner's e-mail address. 当其中一些用户上传通讯数据后,通过处理这些数据并将其存储在以用户的邮箱命名的文本文件中生成直接朋友关系。
Direct your reply to our both email address. 你直接回答我们的电子邮件地址。
Direct this letter to his business address. 在这封信写上他办公室的地址。
If you wish to opt-out from receiving any direct marketing materials or information from us, you may write to our Customer Service Centre at the address shown below. 如阁下不欲收到本公司之任何直销函件或资讯,阁下可按下述地址以书面方式通知本公司之客户服务中心。
Shall I direct the letter to his business address? 这封信我写他办公室地址吗?
An address written on a direct access volume, denoting a track's address relative to the beginning of the volume. 记录在直接存取盘卷上的地址,表明相对于盘卷始址的一个磁道地址。
A direct address that identifies a location without reference to a base address. An absolute address may itself be a base address. 一种无须参考基地址而标识存储位置的直接地址。绝对地址自身可能是基地址。
Let me direct you to the address on that license. 还是你看看驾照上写的家庭住址吧。
China can expand its overseas direct investments to address global imbalances. 中国可以通过海外直接投资来解决全球失衡问题。
Direct the letter to my business address. 请把这封信寄交我的办公地址。
We need to be direct about our differences and address disagreements firmly and decisively, while holding to our values and our interests. 我们需要坦然正视彼此的差异,并对我们的歧见进行坚定果断的处理,同时坚守自己的价值观和利益。
As a loyal first direct customer I can confirm that my calls are answered promptly, that staff are friendly and that I am always warmly congratulated every time I remember my memorable address. 作为firstdirect的忠实客户,我可以证明,我打过去的电话能迅速得到接听,员工态度友好,每次我说出我那本来就很好记的地址时,都会受到他们的热烈赞扬。
The disability assistance dog will remain leashed and under my direct control at all times when it is not confined at the Nominated Address. 当该伤残人士辅助犬离开上述指定地址,便须时刻系著狗带,并且受到本人的直接控制。
All you need is either a bank account for direct deposit, Paypal, or an address to receive plain old checks! 你需要的只是直接存款、Paypal,或者地址吸收普通旧检查的任一银行账户!
The use of second person in discourse is traditionally considered as direct address to the reader. 话语中的第二人称通常被认为是对读者的直接称呼。
A direct address mapping of the CMAC 一种CMAC神经网络的直接地址映射
The direct weight address mapping techniques are employed in the underlying algorithm of the model, and the relationship between the inputs and weights is established by taking the scaled inputs of training samples as the head address of C weights unit in the associative memory. 模型算法采用直接权地址映射技术,将训练样本的输入量化后直接作为联想存储器中C个权的首地址,建立起输入与权的关系。
Direct Access to Physical Address Under Windows 9X Windows9X系统下物理地址的直接存取
Pragmatic Selection Rule System of Chinese Direct Address in Social Communication 汉语社会面称语的语用选择机制
Linearization with direct address look-up table method 直接地址查表法线性化
Hashing organization is a basic mode of direct access records. The core of Hashing is key-to-address-transformation. Hashing文件组织是直接存取记录的一种基本方式,其核心是进行代码地址转换。